Saturday, January 9, 2016

Single "It's a Ride" Entered In TouchTunes Breakout Band Contest, Playing On 60,000+ Jukeboxes Nationwide

Ladies and gents, album cut "It's a Ride" is now live on thousands of TouchTunes jukeboxes across the United States! As a contestant in the TouchTunes Breakout Band Contest, I've got the chance to win $3k, an audition for Warner Bros. Records A&R team, and a nationwide promotion campaign. Really stoked to be a part of this!

You can help me rise to the top by clicking the "like" button on my Breakout Band page: (NO signup necessary!) They let you vote once a day so please do so if you can, would be a huge help!

I have some other rather nifty pieces of news to share with you quite soon. Lots of big things to come in 2016. Stay tuned!
